Archive | August, 2012

get your ROAR tickets

22 Aug

In light of DU closing it’s doors, ROAR ALONG THE SHORE tickets are available now through 6pm day of show (this friday august 24th) at ROOM SERVICE 2078 W.25th Street 216.696.6220 or the night of the party AT the boat only from 7:30-8:15pm.

Thanks and see you there!



This is why it has been worth it…

10 Aug

Dredgers Union Closing…

10 Aug

It has been an amazing year for all of us at the Dredgers Union.  We are proud to have been a part of the revitalization of the city which we all love.  We feel fortunate to have met so many wonderful people that share in the same values and passion that the Dredgers Union was built upon.   But any true “Renaissance” can take time, and time doesn’t always favor those who are at the forefront of change.  It is with heavy hearts that we announce the closing of the Dredgers Union.  Our last day will be Saturday, August 18th.  Until then we will be having one final in-store only sale.

We wish everyone the best of luck.

Cleveland…  Keep on keepin’ on…